Update for (65) Cybele - September 3, 1998

  • Update computed by Martin Federspiel;       issued 19 Aug 1998 14:53:19 +0200 (CEST)

  • Martin Federspiel's update

    Dear observers of minor planet occultations,

    on 1998 September 03 at about 2 h 30m UT the V=13.5 mag asteroid (65) Cybele will occult the V=9.6 mag star ACT 189892 for at most 10 seconds. The event will be visible from western Africa, Lybia, south of Cyprus, Lebanon, Syria.

    This update is based on a new accurate orbit of the asteroid calculated from meridian circle observations obtained at La Palma and Bordeaux during the years 1985-1996 and the ACT position of the star. With this data one obtains the central line decribed above (see also the table below) which is about 0.15" north of Edwin Goffin's nominal prediction. The shift is mainly due to the different position of the star in the ACT compared to the Tycho catalogue. With a remaining combined uncertainty of about 0.26" from the declination error of both the star and the asteroid there is a very small chance that the event will be visible from Cyprus, Turkey, southern Greece, and Sicilia in case of a maximum north shift. Other regions of Europe will see no occultation.

    Updated path location for (65) Cybele on September 3rd, 1998

     Central line for an occultation by (65) Cybele         
     (65) Cybele occults ACT 189892 (RA 5 49 32.033 DE +20 2 50.25)
     orbit from CAMC and Bordeaux observations only, star ACT
     Minimum geocentric distance: 
     date: 1998 9 3 time: 2 32 49.UT; d=.59", PW=2.13 deg, pi=2.22", mu=27.97"/h
     substellar point on earth (lat., long.), PA of least distance:
         20.05    67.12     2.13
         Lat.     Long. hh:mm:ss UT  StarAlt° StarAzi°  SunAlt°  SunAzi°
         21.51   -14.94  2:28:22. !     13.3     73.4    -53.6     39.2
         23.73    -8.38  2:28:31. !     19.8     76.1    -47.8     45.4
         25.34    -3.36  2:28:41. !     24.6     78.4    -43.3     49.5
         26.64      .94  2:28:50. !     28.7     80.6    -39.5     52.7
         27.75     4.79  2:28:60. !     32.2     82.7    -36.0     55.3
         28.71     8.33  2:29: 9. !     35.5     84.9    -32.9     57.7
         29.56    11.66  2:29:19. !     38.5     87.0    -29.9     59.8
         30.32    14.81  2:29:28. !     41.3     89.1    -27.1     61.8
         31.00    17.83  2:29:38. !     43.9     91.3    -24.5     63.6
         31.62    20.74  2:29:47. !     46.4     93.6    -21.9     65.4
         32.18    23.56  2:29:57. !     48.8     95.9    -19.5     67.1
         32.68    26.31  2:30: 7. !     51.0     98.4    -17.1     68.7
         33.14    28.99  2:30:16. !     53.2    100.9    -14.8     70.3
         33.55    31.62  2:30:26. !     55.3    103.6    -12.6     71.8
         33.92    34.20  2:30:35. !     57.3    106.4    -10.4     73.3
         34.25    36.74  2:30:45. !     59.2    109.4     -8.2     74.8
         34.54    39.24  2:30:54. !     61.1    112.7     -6.1     76.3
         34.80    41.72  2:31: 4. !     62.9    116.1     -4.1     77.7
         35.02    44.16  2:31:13. !     64.6    119.9     -2.0     79.2

    Good luck to all observers!

    Martin Federspiel (for IOTA/ES)

    Martin Federspiel                 ******** E-mail: martin@astro.unibas.ch
    Astronomisches Institut           ******** oder: federspi@astro.unibas.ch
    der Universitaet Basel            **** oder: federspielm@ubaclu.unibas.ch
    Venusstr. 7                             Telefon: (CH)-61/2055413
    CH-4102 Binningen (Schweiz)             Fax:     (CH)-61/2055455

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