Update for (1574) Meyer - September 10, 1998

  • Update computed by Edwin Goffin;       issued 7 Sep 1998 21:14:11 +0100 (CEST)
  • Update computed by Jan Manek;       issued 8 Sep 1998 14:04:11 +0200 (CEST)
  • Update computed by Martin Federspiel;       issued 8 Sep 1998 20:19:45 +0200 (CEST)

  • The only update based on observations puts the path over central Europe with large uncertainity, so in fact everyone in Europe has some chance to see the short but deep occultation.

    Edwin Goffin's update


    Vince Tuboly (Hungary) issued a message about the September 10 occultation of PPM 172432 by 1574 Meyer. My original prediction was made in May 1997, using the PPM position of the star. In October, an update was computed using the Tycho position of the star. The occultation track crossed the UK and Northern Europe.

    I now repeated the calculation with the ACT data for the star and cannot but confirm Vince's results : the occultations track shows a substantial south shift and now crosses Portugal, N. Spain and N. Italy.

    Edwin Goffin

    Updated path according to Tuboly Vince Updated path according to Tuboly Vince - (1574) Meyer on September 10th, 1998

    Jan Manek's update

    Hi all,

    I have yesterday computed an update for (1574) Mayer occultation on night September 9/10, 1998. I have generally confirmed results obtained by Tuboly Vince (but I don't know what he used for his update). I have used ACT star position instead of Goffin's TYCHO position (prediction from October 1997) and latest ASTORB file with about 0.2" CEU value.

    The southern shift puts path over Italy, maybe southern France, northern Spain, and Portugal around 2:09 UT on the European continent and after skipping Atlantic ocean the path hits Panama in central America around 2:19 UT.

    Since the uncertainity in path is about 0.3" also observers north and south of this path should watch for the short (4.7 seconds at maximum) and deep occultation.

    The resulting path is essentially the same as of Tuboly Vince.

    I'm sorry I wasn't able to do final sending of the update yesterday after I finished the calculations, so now after Edwin's calculation it seems obsolete, but I give here complete path which is somewhat more clear than Tuboly's chart.

    Best regards, Jan

    EURO - updated path location for (1574) Meyer on September 10th, 1998

    Central America - updated path location for (1574) Meyer on September 10th, 1998

    Occultation of T1122.0372 by 1574 Meyer on 1998 Sep 10
      E. Longitude    Latitude     U.T.    star  sun
       - 85 00 00   +  5 35 11    2 20 00   60   -40
       - 83 00 00   +  6 44 06    2 19 44   62   -41
       - 81 00 00   +  7 53 36    2 19 28   64   -43
       - 79 00 00   +  9 03 34    2 19 11   66   -44
       - 77 00 00   + 10 13 53    2 18 54   68   -46
       - 75 00 00   + 11 24 23    2 18 37   70   -47
       - 73 00 00   + 12 34 57    2 18 19   71   -49
       - 71 00 00   + 13 45 27    2 18 02   73   -50
       - 69 00 00   + 14 55 44    2 17 44   74   -51
       - 67 00 00   + 16 05 41    2 17 27   75   -52
       - 65 00 00   + 17 15 10    2 17 09   76   -53
       - 63 00 00   + 18 24 03    2 16 52   77   -54
       - 61 00 00   + 19 32 12    2 16 34   77   -54
       - 59 00 00   + 20 39 32    2 16 17   77   -55
       - 57 00 00   + 21 45 54    2 16 00   76   -55
       - 23 00 00   + 36 54 23    2 12 00   50   -47
       - 21 00 00   + 37 32 28    2 11 50   49   -46
       - 19 00 00   + 38 08 47    2 11 40   47   -45
       - 17 00 00   + 38 43 18    2 11 30   46   -44
       - 15 00 00   + 39 16 03    2 11 20   44   -43
       - 13 00 00   + 39 47 03    2 11 11   42   -41
       - 11 00 00   + 40 16 17    2 11 02   41   -40
       -  9 00 00   + 40 43 48    2 10 54   39   -39
       -  7 00 00   + 41 09 35    2 10 46   38   -38
       -  5 00 00   + 41 33 40    2 10 38   36   -37
       -  3 00 00   + 41 56 03    2 10 31   35   -36
       -  1 00 00   + 42 16 47    2 10 24   33   -34
       +  1 00 00   + 42 35 50    2 10 17   32   -33
       +  3 00 00   + 42 53 15    2 10 11   30   -32
       +  5 00 00   + 43 09 01    2 10 05   29   -31
       +  7 00 00   + 43 23 11    2 09 59   28   -30
       +  9 00 00   + 43 35 44    2 09 54   26   -28
       + 11 00 00   + 43 46 41    2 09 49   25   -27
       + 13 00 00   + 43 56 03    2 09 44   23   -26
       + 15 00 00   + 44 03 49    2 09 39   22   -25
       + 17 00 00   + 44 10 01    2 09 35   20   -23
       + 19 00 00   + 44 14 39    2 09 31   19   -22
       + 21 00 00   + 44 17 42    2 09 27   18   -21
       + 23 00 00   + 44 19 11    2 09 24   16   -20
       + 25 00 00   + 44 19 06    2 09 21   15   -18
       + 27 00 00   + 44 17 27    2 09 18   13   -17
       + 29 00 00   + 44 14 13    2 09 15   12   -16
    Jan Manek
    Stefanik Observatory                Private :
    Petrin 205                          Werichova 950
    118 46  Praha 1                     152 00  Praha 5 - Barrandov     |_|_|
    Czech Republic                      Czech Republic                  /   \
    Internet : jmanek@mbox.vol.cz                                      |-O-O-|

    Martin Federspiel's update

    Dear observers of minor planet occultations,

    Ron Stone (USNO/Flagstaff) just provided 11 positions of (1574) Meyer of which I used 10 (Jul 15 discarded) to calculate a new orbit for the asteroid. It is not of the superb quality a orbits for brighter asteroids with a longer arc covered usually are, but I think it is reasonably good.

    For the star (ACT 916047, V=10.1 mag) I used the ACT position, which differs considerably from the Tycho position used by Edwin Goffin for the nominal prediction (difference in DE 0.67"). The updated central line is shifted south by 0.3" compared to Edwins line; it now crosses central Europe, the Atlantic ocean, easternmost Cuba, and Honduras. However, I estimate that the uncertainty (both from the asteroid and from the star) could shift the central line anywhere within 0.5" or 1000 km on the Earth. In this sense this update is no significant improvement.

    Updated path location for (1574) Meyer on September 10th, 1998

    Here are the coordinates:

     Central line for an occultation by (1574) Meyer
     (1574) Meyer occults ACT 916047 (RA 21 55 33.832 DE +8 7 45.99)
     orbit from 10 recent USNO positions only, star ACT
     Minimum geocentric distance: 
     date: 1998 9 10 time: 2 16 20.UT; d=1.11", PW=330.16 deg, pi=3.18",mu=24.75"/h
     substellar point on earth (lat., long.), PA of least distance:
          8.13   305.88   330.16
         Lat.     Long. hh:mm:ss UT  StarAlt° StarAzi°  SunAlt°  SunAzi°
         51.28    32.09  2: 9:14. !      9.9    270.8    -11.2     67.1
         51.43    19.82  2: 9:29. !     17.4    261.1    -17.8     56.5
         51.02    11.42  2: 9:45. !     22.6    254.3    -22.2     49.0
         50.38     4.66  2:10: 0. !     26.8    248.8    -25.7     42.7
         49.62    -1.09  2:10:16. !     30.5    244.0    -28.6     37.2
         48.77    -6.15  2:10:31. !     33.8    239.7    -31.2     32.1
         47.86   -10.67  2:10:46. !     36.7    235.8    -33.4     27.5
         46.92   -14.79  2:11: 2. !     39.5    232.2    -35.5     23.0
         45.95   -18.57  2:11:17. !     42.1    228.7    -37.3     18.8
         44.96   -22.07  2:11:33. !     44.5    225.4    -38.9     14.8
         43.95   -25.35  2:11:48. !     46.9    222.2    -40.4     10.9
         42.93   -28.42  2:12: 4. !     49.0    219.0    -41.8      7.1
         41.91   -31.32  2:12:19. !     51.1    215.8    -43.0      3.3
         40.88   -34.08  2:12:34. !     53.1    212.7    -44.1    359.7
         39.84   -36.71  2:12:50. !     55.0    209.4    -45.0    356.1
         38.80   -39.22  2:13: 5. !     56.8    206.1    -45.9    352.5
         37.76   -41.63  2:13:21. !     58.5    202.7    -46.6    349.0
         36.72   -43.96  2:13:36. !     60.1    199.1    -47.2    345.5
         35.67   -46.21  2:13:52. !     61.7    195.4    -47.7    342.0
         34.63   -48.39  2:14: 7. !     63.1    191.4    -48.1    338.6
         33.59   -50.50  2:14:22. !     64.4    187.2    -48.4    335.2
         32.54   -52.57  2:14:38. !     65.6    182.7    -48.6    331.9
         31.50   -54.58  2:14:53. !     66.6    177.9    -48.7    328.7
         30.45   -56.56  2:15: 9. !     67.5    172.9    -48.7    325.5
         29.40   -58.50  2:15:24. !     68.3    167.6    -48.6    322.3
         28.36   -60.40  2:15:39. !     68.9    162.0    -48.4    319.3
         27.31   -62.28  2:15:55. !     69.3    156.3    -48.1    316.3
         26.26   -64.13  2:16:10. !     69.5    150.4    -47.7    313.5
         25.21   -65.97  2:16:26. !     69.5    144.6    -47.2    310.7
         24.16   -67.79  2:16:41. !     69.4    138.7    -46.6    308.0
         23.11   -69.60  2:16:57. !     69.0    133.1    -46.0    305.4
         22.05   -71.40  2:17:12. !     68.5    127.7    -45.2    302.9
         21.00   -73.20  2:17:27. !     67.8    122.6    -44.4    300.6
         19.94   -75.00  2:17:43. !     66.9    117.8    -43.5    298.3
         18.87   -76.80  2:17:58. !     65.9    113.4    -42.6    296.1
         17.80   -78.60  2:18:14. !     64.7    109.4    -41.5    294.1
         16.73   -80.42  2:18:29. !     63.5    105.7    -40.4    292.1
         15.65   -82.25  2:18:45. !     62.1    102.4    -39.2    290.3
         14.56   -84.11  2:18:60. !     60.6     99.4    -37.9    288.5
         13.47   -85.98  2:19:15. !     59.0     96.7    -36.6    286.9
         12.37   -87.89  2:19:31. !     57.3     94.2    -35.2    285.4
         11.26   -89.84  2:19:46. !     55.5     92.0    -33.7    283.9
         10.14   -91.82  2:20: 2. !     53.7     90.0    -32.1    282.6
          9.01   -93.86  2:20:17. !     51.7     88.3    -30.4    281.3
          7.87   -95.96  2:20:32. !     49.7     86.7    -28.7    280.2
          6.71   -98.13  2:20:48. !     47.5     85.3    -26.8    279.1
          5.53  -100.38  2:21: 3. !     45.2     84.0    -24.8    278.2
          4.34  -102.73  2:21:19. !     42.8     82.9    -22.7    277.3
          3.12  -105.21  2:21:34. !     40.3     82.0    -20.5    276.6
          1.87  -107.84  2:21:50. !     37.6     81.2    -18.1    275.9
           .59  -110.66  2:22: 5. !     34.6     80.5    -15.4    275.4
          -.73  -113.73  2:22:20. !     31.4     80.0    -12.6    275.0
         -2.11  -117.14  2:22:36. !     27.9     79.7     -9.4    274.8
         -3.57  -121.04  2:22:51. !     23.9     79.5     -5.7    274.7
         -5.16  -125.76  2:23: 7. !     19.1     79.6     -1.2    275.0
         -7.01  -132.20  2:23:22. !     12.5     80.0      5.0    275.7

    Good luck to all observers!


    Martin Federspiel                 ******** E-mail: martin@astro.unibas.ch
    Astronomisches Institut           ******** oder: federspi@astro.unibas.ch
    der Universitaet Basel            **** oder: federspielm@ubaclu.unibas.ch  
    Venusstr. 7                             Telefon: (CH)-61/2055413
    CH-4102 Binningen (Schweiz)             Fax:     (CH)-61/2055455

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