Update for (19) Fortuna - October 4, 1998

  • Update computed by Martin Federspiel;   issued 25 Sep 1998 15:27:17 +0200 (CEST)

  • Martin Federspiel's update

                         IOTA/IOTA-ES occultation update for 
                    (19) Fortuna/TYC 1393 01391 event on 1998 Oct 4
                    visible from Scottland, Danmark, southern Sweden
    Just before dawn on the morning of 1998 October 4 the relatively large minor planet Fortuna occults a 10 mag star in Cancer for observers in Scottland, Danmark and Sweden. Due to the faintness of the star, the nearly full moon, and the approaching morning twilight the event will not be very easy to observe.
    The event at one glimpse:
     * date and approx. UT time of event: 1998 Oct 4 @ 4h 15m UT
     * magnitude of target star: 10.5
     * magnitude drop [mag]: 1.9
     * estimated maximum duration [s]: 5
     * rough path description: Scottland, Danmark, southern Sweden
    The occultation path:
     * approximate widths [km]: 150
     * more detailed path description: possible northern Ireland, Scottland
       (Glasgow, Edinburgh), Danmark (Viborg, Randers, north of Kopenhagen
       and Hälsingborg), Sweden (Halstad, southern Öland)  
     * uncertainty [path widths]: 2.5
     * map: attached
     * remarks: path shifted about 0.15" north compared to nominal prediction
       mainly due to difference between Tycho and ACT star position
    Data for the target star:
     * name: TYC 1393 01391
     * constellation: Cancer
     * J2000 position [h,m,s; °,',"]: RA 8 50 13.609 DE +16 19 13.56
     * position source: ACT
     * estimated accuracy ["]: 0.05
     * V mag [mag]: 10.5
     * remarks: 0.3" difference between ACT and Tycho declination of the star
    Data for the minor planet:
     * general information:
         mumber, name: (19) Fortuna
         approx. diameter [km]: 150
     * orbital information
         orbit source: Federspiel
         source of used astrometry: CAMC, Bordeaux, Hipparcos
         number of used observations: 166
         number of rejected observations:
         time covered by the observations: 1985-1997
         rms residuals ["] (RA,DE): 0.20, 0.19
         estimated positional accuracy at epoch of event ["]: 0.2
    Data for the event:
     * UT date and time of least geocentric approach: 1998 Oct 4  4h 16m 46s UT
     * least geocentric distance ["]: 1.85
     * uncertainty in time [s]: 12
     * approx. V mag of minor planet at event [mag]: 12.15
     * geocentric parallax of minor planet ["]: 3.37
     * magnitude drop [mag]: 1.9
     * estimated maximum duration [s]: 5
     * apparent motion of minor planet ["/h]: 60.47
     * angular distance to moon, phase of moon [°,%]: 143°,96%+
     * remarks:
    Calculator(s): Federspiel

    Updated path location for (19) Fortuna on October 4, 1998 Path coordinates: Lat. Long. hh:mm:ss UT StarAlt° StarAzi° SunAlt° SunAzi° 49.07 -46.23 4:13:59. ! 4.5 69.9 -42.1 27.4 52.56 -31.52 4:14: 6. ! 14.2 81.5 -33.8 43.2 54.11 -22.70 4:14:13. ! 19.6 89.0 -28.9 51.8 55.08 -15.46 4:14:19. ! 23.8 95.4 -24.9 58.5 55.73 -9.06 4:14:26. ! 27.3 101.2 -21.4 64.3 56.15 -3.22 4:14:33. ! 30.4 106.7 -18.2 69.5 56.40 2.20 4:14:39. ! 33.1 112.0 -15.2 74.3 56.51 7.28 4:14:46. ! 35.7 117.2 -12.5 78.7 56.50 12.08 4:14:53. ! 38.0 122.2 -9.8 82.8 56.40 16.63 4:14:59. ! 40.1 127.1 -7.3 86.6 56.21 20.97 4:15: 6. ! 42.1 131.9 -4.9 90.3 55.95 25.10 4:15:13. ! 43.9 136.7 -2.6 93.8 55.62 29.06 4:15:19. ! 45.6 141.5 -.3 97.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Martin Federspiel ******** E-mail: martin@astro.unibas.ch Astronomisches Institut ******** oder: federspi@astro.unibas.ch der Universitaet Basel **** oder: federspielm@ubaclu.unibas.ch Venusstr. 7 Telefon: (CH)-61/2055413 CH-4102 Binningen (Schweiz) Fax: (CH)-61/2055455 -------------------------------------------------------------------------

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