Update for (313) Chaldaea - October 25, 1998

  • Update computed by Jan Manek;   issued 20 Oct 1998 10:42:29 +0200 (CEST)

  • Jan Manek's update

                         IOTA/IOTA-ES occultation update for
               (313) Chaldaea / TAC +07 02021 event on 1998 October 25
                               visible from Russia
    On the morning of October 25, 1998 will be occulted 10.8 mag star by a 101km asteroid (313) Chaldaea. This update based on USNO/Flagstaff, TMO and CAMC astrometry for asteroid and USNO/Flagstaff star position. The updated path moved to east compared to Goffin's nominal prediction being observable now only from Russia. USNO photometry also idicates the star being fainter than the nominal value, but magnitude drop is still large enough to be observed visually.
    The event at one glimpse:
     * date and approx. UT time of event: October, 25, 1998 @ 2:43 UT.
     * magnitude of target star: 10.8
     * magnitude drop [mag]: 2.0
     * estimated maximum duration [s]: 10.2
     * path description: Path moves almost over north pole, hits eastern tip of
       Kola peninsula at ~2:41:30 and goes to south. Around 2:43 moves over Kazan
       and slightly later moves over Kuybyshev. For more eastern part of path the
       twilight will make problems.
    The occultation path:
     * approximate width [km]: 120
     * uncertainty [path widths]: 1.5
     * map: attached
     * remarks: 
    Data for the target star:
     * name: TAC +07 02021 = GSC 0145.0643
     * constellation: Monoceros
     * J2000 position [h,m,s; o,',"]: 06h 27m 26.076s; +07o 28' 58.34"
     * position source: USNO/Flagstaff
     * estimated accuracy ["]: 0.02"
     * V mag [mag]: 10.8
     * remarks:  8 degrees east of Betelgeuse (alpha Ori)
    Data for the minor planet:
     * general information:
         mumber, name: (313) Chaldaea
         approx. diameter [km]: 101
     * orbital information
         orbit source: calculation Manek 
         source of used astrometry: USNO/Flagstaff (Ron Stone), TMO (Bill Owen), CAMC
         number of used observations: 6 USNO, 4 TMO, 24 CAMC
         number of rejected observations: 0
         time covered by the observations: 1996 2 13 - 1998 10 19
         rms residuals ["] (RA,DE): 0.18", 0.12"
         estimated positional accuracy at epoch of event ["]: 0.08"
    Data for the event:
     * UT date and time of least geocentric approach: 02:46:36 UT
     * uncertainty in time [s]: 15
     * approx. V mag of minor planet at event [mag]: 12.6
     * geocentric parallax of minor planet ["]: 5.81
     * magnitude drop [mag]: 2.0
     * estimated maximum duration [s]: 10.2
     * apparent motion of minor planet ["/h]: 32.47
     * angular distance to moon, phase of moon [deg,%]: 161, 18%
     * remarks:
    Calculator(s): Manek

    Updated path location for (313 Chaldaea on October 25, 1998 Path coordinates: Altitude E. Longitude Latitude U.T. star sun + 19 00 00 + 85 42 50 2 39 40 12 -14 + 21 00 00 + 85 11 29 2 39 42 12 -14 + 23 00 00 + 84 32 49 2 39 45 13 -14 + 25 00 00 + 83 44 49 2 39 48 14 -14 + 27 00 00 + 82 45 00 2 39 52 15 -14 + 29 00 00 + 81 30 43 2 39 58 16 -14 + 31 00 00 + 79 59 35 2 40 05 17 -14 + 33 00 00 + 78 10 06 2 40 15 19 -14 + 35 00 00 + 76 02 16 2 40 27 21 -14 + 37 00 00 + 73 37 39 2 40 43 23 -14 + 39 00 00 + 70 59 01 2 41 01 26 -14 + 41 00 00 + 68 09 34 2 41 23 28 -13 + 43 00 00 + 65 12 32 2 41 48 31 -12 + 45 00 00 + 62 10 46 2 42 16 33 -11 + 47 00 00 + 59 06 44 2 42 46 35 -9 + 49 00 00 + 56 02 29 2 43 18 37 -8 + 51 00 00 + 52 59 41 2 43 51 39 -6 + 53 00 00 + 49 59 43 2 44 26 40 -4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jan Manek Stefanik Observatory Private : Petrin 205 Werichova 950 118 46 Praha 1 152 00 Praha 5 - Barrandov |_|_| Czech Republic Czech Republic / \ Internet : jmanek@mbox.vol.cz |-O-O-| --------------------------------------------------------------------U---U---

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