IOTA/IOTA-ES occultation update for (196) Philomela / TYC 1924 01286 event on 1999, January 23 visible from Turkey, Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal SummaryOn the night January 23/24, 1999 will be occulted 10.9 mag star by a 146km asteroid (196) Philomela. This update is based on TMO astrometry for asteroid and ACT star position. The updated path is shifted slightly south being also about 0.2 minute earlier that Goffin's nominal prediction (see here for finder chart and nominal prediction). For Europe this event takes place near zenith and compensates slightly the faintness of star. Be careful as the magnitude drop is only 0.9 magnitudes and the target star is SW in a roughly equal bright wide double (this may be good for the observation of this minor drop).
The event at one glimpse: * date and approx. UT time of event: January, 6, 1999 @ 23:22 UT (Euro) * magnitude of target star: 10.9 * magnitude drop [mag]: 0.9 * estimated maximum duration [s]: 10.9 * path description: Path runs over India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq with probably no observers there. At ~21:19 UT path runs over Turkey, at ~21:20:30 UT over Greece, ~21:21:30 UT over middle-south Italy (Rome has a chance), Corse and Sardegna ~21:22 UT. At ~21:23 UT path runs over middle-north Spain (Barcelona and Madrid have a chance) and north Portugal. The occultation path: * approximate width [km]: 150 * uncertainty [path widths]: 1.5 * uncertainty in time [s]: 25 * map: see below * remarks: Path uncertainities are given according to nominal star position errors and expected asteroid positional accuracy. For any larger shift is responsible true star position. !!!!!!! Circles along the path are OCCULT exactly calculated centerline points. !!!!!!! Data for the target star: * name: TYC 1924 01286 1 * constellation: Gemini * J2000 position [h,m,s; o,',"]: 07h 43m 54.813s; +28o 35' 32.57" * position source: ACT * estimated accuracy ["]: 0.06" (0.05", 0.04") * V mag [mag]: 10.88 * B-V [mag]: +0.19 * remarks: Target star is about 40' northwest of 1.2 mag star beta Gem (Pollux). The magnitude given is Johnson V mag. Be careful with locating the correct target star - it is southwest one of the equal brightness double with 27" separation. For sure I have added also detailed finder chart according to GUIDE7 with correct star marked there - see below. The square in the middle has 30' side. Data for the minor planet: * general information: mumber, name: (196) Philomela approx. diameter [km]: 146 * orbital information orbit source: Bowell source of used astrometry: TMO (Bill Owen) number of used observations: 17 number of rejected observations: 1 (1998 12 29.256192) time covered by the observations: 1998 10 11 - 1999 01 07 rms residuals ["] (RA,DE): 0.07", 0.06" estimated positional accuracy at epoch of event ["]: 0.09" remarks: Data for the event: * UT date and time of least geocentric approach: 21:19:06 UT * approx. V mag of minor planet at event [mag]: 11.2 * geocentric parallax of minor planet ["]: 3.959 * magnitude drop [mag]: 0.9 * estimated maximum duration [s]: 10.9 * apparent motion of minor planet ["/h]: 30.03 * angular distance to moon, phase of moon [deg,%]: 93, 39% * remarks: Calculator(s): Manek
Path coordinates: Altitude E. Longitude Latitude U.T. star sun + 69 00 00 + 26 32 07 21 15 15 59 -66 + 67 00 00 + 27 27 13 21 15 29 61 -67 + 65 00 00 + 28 20 32 21 15 43 63 -69 + 63 00 00 + 29 12 03 21 15 58 65 -70 + 61 00 00 + 30 01 44 21 16 12 66 -71 + 59 00 00 + 30 49 35 21 16 26 68 -72 + 57 00 00 + 31 35 34 21 16 41 70 -73 + 55 00 00 + 32 19 42 21 16 55 71 -74 + 53 00 00 + 33 01 58 21 17 09 73 -74 + 51 00 00 + 33 42 22 21 17 24 74 -74 + 49 00 00 + 34 20 55 21 17 38 76 -74 + 47 00 00 + 34 57 37 21 17 52 77 -74 + 45 00 00 + 35 32 28 21 18 05 78 -74 + 43 00 00 + 36 05 30 21 18 19 79 -73 + 41 00 00 + 36 36 43 21 18 33 80 -73 + 39 00 00 + 37 06 09 21 18 46 80 -72 + 37 00 00 + 37 33 47 21 19 00 80 -71 + 35 00 00 + 37 59 39 21 19 13 80 -70 + 33 00 00 + 38 23 47 21 19 26 80 -69 + 31 00 00 + 38 46 10 21 19 39 79 -68 + 29 00 00 + 39 06 50 21 19 52 79 -67 + 27 00 00 + 39 25 48 21 20 05 78 -66 + 25 00 00 + 39 43 05 21 20 17 77 -64 + 23 00 00 + 39 58 41 21 20 29 76 -63 + 21 00 00 + 40 12 38 21 20 42 75 -62 + 19 00 00 + 40 24 55 21 20 54 73 -61 + 17 00 00 + 40 35 34 21 21 06 72 -59 + 15 00 00 + 40 44 35 21 21 18 71 -58 + 13 00 00 + 40 51 59 21 21 30 70 -57 + 11 00 00 + 40 57 46 21 21 41 68 -56 + 9 00 00 + 41 01 56 21 21 53 67 -54 + 7 00 00 + 41 04 30 21 22 04 66 -53 + 5 00 00 + 41 05 27 21 22 15 64 -51 + 3 00 00 + 41 04 48 21 22 26 63 -50 + 1 00 00 + 41 02 32 21 22 37 61 -49 - 1 00 00 + 40 58 39 21 22 48 60 -47 - 3 00 00 + 40 53 09 21 22 59 59 -46 - 5 00 00 + 40 46 02 21 23 09 57 -45 - 7 00 00 + 40 37 17 21 23 20 56 -43 - 9 00 00 + 40 26 52 21 23 30 54 -42 - 11 00 00 + 40 14 49 21 23 40 53 -40 - 13 00 00 + 40 01 05 21 23 50 51 -39 - 15 00 00 + 39 45 40 21 24 00 50 -37 - 17 00 00 + 39 28 33 21 24 10 48 -36 - 19 00 00 + 39 09 43 21 24 20 47 -34 - 21 00 00 + 38 49 08 21 24 29 45 -33 - 23 00 00 + 38 26 48 21 24 38 44 -31 - 25 00 00 + 38 02 42 21 24 48 42 -30 - 27 00 00 + 37 36 48 21 24 56 41 -28 - 29 00 00 + 37 09 05 21 25 05 39 -27 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jan Manek Stefanik Observatory Private : Petrin 205 Werichova 950 118 46 Praha 1 152 00 Praha 5 - Barrandov |_|_| Czech Republic Czech Republic / \ Internet : |-O-O-| --------------------------------------------------------------------U---U---
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