Update for (21) Lutetia - April 12/13, 1999

  • Update computed by Jan Manek;   issued 08 Apr 1999 14:38:15 +0200 (CEST)
  • Update computed by Martin Federspiel;   issued 08 Apr 1999 12:23:14 +0200 (CEST)

  • Jan Manek's update

                           IOTA/IOTA-ES occultation update for
                 (21) Lutetia / HIP 65414A event on 1999, April 12/13
                        visible from Algeria, Morocco and Canada

    On the night April 12/13, 1999 will be occulted bright 6.8 mag star by a 100 km asteroid (21) Lutetia. This update is based on USNO/Flagstaff and TMO astrometry for asteroid and Hipparcos star position.

    The calculation gives very small ~0.5 path width north shift with almost zero time correction compared to the Goffin's nominal prediction.Martin Federspiel's update is in good agreement, being about 20km south of this update.

    Magnitude drop will be 'only' 3.3 magnitudes instead of 4.0 given in chart due to existence of secondary component (see below).

    Hipparcos discovered this star is a double star, secondary component 10.6 mag being in PA=269 degrees and separation 0.40". Occultation of this star occurs in path ~4 path widths north and 0.4 minutes earlier compared to the primary event path. This event will be observable _only_ _photometrically_ as the magnitude drop will be only few hudredths of magnitude (whole system). Path of this secondary event is shown in chart without centerline circles.

    The event at one glimpse:
     * date and approx. UT time of event: April, 13, 1999 @ 04:39 UT (Euro)
                                                            04:45 UT (Canada)
     * magnitude of target star: 6.8
     * magnitude drop [mag]: 3.3
     * estimated maximum duration [s]: 8.1
     * path description: Path runs over Algeria and Morocco at ~04:38.5 UT, Canary
         Islands are just out of the 1 path error ~04:39 UT. After crossing Atlantic
         ocean shadow hits Nova Scotia north of Halifax ~04:44.5 UT, Prince Edward
         Island, New Brunswick and runs about 1 path width north of Quebec ~4:45.5 UT.
         Then it runs over Quebec provincia, James Bay and south coast of Hudson Bay
         more to NW.
         Consult map below for details.
    The occultation path:
     * approximate width [km]: 140
     * uncertainty [path widths]: 1
     * uncertainty in time [s]: 10
     * map: attached
     * remarks: Path with circled cetral line is for primary star, the other one
        is for secondary (photometric event only !!) star.
        Path uncertainities are given according to nominal star position
        errors and expected asteroid positional accuracy.
        For any larger shift is responsible true star position error.
        Please follow the circles rather than the plotted path.
        Circles along the path are OCCULT exactly calculated centerline points.
    Data for the target star:
     * name: HIP 65414A = SAO 139322 = PPM 196479 = TYC 4962 01000 1
     * constellation: Virgo
     * J2000 position [h,m,s; o,',"]: 13h 24m 26.070s; -04o 18' 32.22"
     * position source: Hipparcos
     * estimated accuracy ["]: 0.01"  (0.01", 0.01")
     * Johnson V mag [mag]: 6.82
     * B-V [mag]: +1.08
     * name: HIP 65414B
     * J2000 position [h,m,s; o,',"]: 13h 24m 26.046s; -04o 18' 32.43"
     * position source: Hipparcos
     * estimated accuracy ["]: 0.07"  (0.05", 0.05")
     * Johnson V mag [mag]: 10.65
     * B-V [mag]: ??
     * remarks:
         Target star is located 6.8 degrees north of 1.1 mag alpha Virginis (Spica)
         and ~0.7 degrees north of two 5.8 mag stars 65+66 Virginis.
    Data for the minor planet:
     * general information:
         number, name: (21) Lutetia
         approx. diameter [km]: 100
     * orbital information
         orbit source: calculation Manek
         source of used astrometry: USNO/Flagstaff (Ron Stone), TMO (Bill Owen)
         number of used observations: 33 USNO, 15 TMO
         number of rejected observations: 2 USNO (1999 03 13.410948, 1999 01 14.561118)
         time covered by the observations: 1998 12 13 - 1999 03 31
         rms residuals ["] (RA,DE): 0.07", 0.09"
         estimated positional accuracy at epoch of event ["]: 0.08"
    Data for the event:
     * UT date and time of least geocentric approach: 04:43:09 UT
     * approx. V mag of minor planet at event [mag]: 10.8
     * geocentric parallax of minor planet ["]: 5.352
     * magnitude drop [mag]: 3.3
     * estimated maximum duration [s]: 8.1
     * apparent motion of minor planet ["/h]: 37.48
     * angular distance to moon, phase of moon [deg,%]: 140, 13%
     * remarks:
    Calculator(s): Jan Manek

    Updated path location for (21) Lutetia on April 12/13, 1999 Path coordinates - primary component only: Altitude E. Longitude Latitude U.T. star sun + 9 00 00 + 29 06 18 4 37 42 8 -6 + 7 00 00 + 29 07 17 4 37 46 10 -8 + 5 00 00 + 29 10 12 4 37 50 12 -9 + 3 00 00 + 29 15 02 4 37 55 13 -11 + 1 00 00 + 29 21 46 4 38 01 15 -12 - 1 00 00 + 29 30 23 4 38 07 16 -14 - 3 00 00 + 29 40 53 4 38 14 18 -16 - 5 00 00 + 29 53 14 4 38 22 20 -17 - 7 00 00 + 30 07 25 4 38 30 21 -19 - 9 00 00 + 30 23 24 4 38 39 23 -20 - 11 00 00 + 30 41 10 4 38 49 24 -21 - 13 00 00 + 31 00 42 4 38 59 26 -23 - 15 00 00 + 31 21 57 4 39 09 27 -24 - 17 00 00 + 31 44 54 4 39 20 28 -25 - 19 00 00 + 32 09 31 4 39 32 30 -27 - 21 00 00 + 32 35 45 4 39 43 31 -28 - 23 00 00 + 33 03 34 4 39 56 32 -29 - 25 00 00 + 33 32 56 4 40 08 33 -30 ........... ocean part cutted out ........... - 57 00 00 + 44 07 43 4 43 56 40 -36 - 59 00 00 + 44 54 09 4 44 10 40 -35 - 61 00 00 + 45 40 53 4 44 24 39 -35 - 63 00 00 + 46 27 49 4 44 38 39 -34 - 65 00 00 + 47 14 52 4 44 51 38 -34 - 67 00 00 + 48 01 57 4 45 04 38 -33 - 69 00 00 + 48 48 58 4 45 17 37 -32 - 71 00 00 + 49 35 50 4 45 29 36 -32 - 73 00 00 + 50 22 26 4 45 41 35 -31 - 75 00 00 + 51 08 42 4 45 52 35 -30 - 77 00 00 + 51 54 34 4 46 04 34 -29 - 79 00 00 + 52 39 55 4 46 14 33 -28 - 81 00 00 + 53 24 41 4 46 25 32 -27 - 83 00 00 + 54 08 48 4 46 34 31 -26 - 85 00 00 + 54 52 11 4 46 44 30 -25 - 87 00 00 + 55 34 48 4 46 53 29 -24 - 89 00 00 + 56 16 33 4 47 01 28 -23 - 91 00 00 + 56 57 24 4 47 09 27 -22 - 93 00 00 + 57 37 18 4 47 17 26 -21 - 95 00 00 + 58 16 12 4 47 24 25 -20 - 97 00 00 + 58 54 04 4 47 31 24 -19 - 99 00 00 + 59 30 52 4 47 38 23 -18 -101 00 00 + 60 06 34 4 47 44 22 -17 -103 00 00 + 60 41 10 4 47 49 21 -16 -105 00 00 + 61 14 38 4 47 55 20 -15 -107 00 00 + 61 46 57 4 48 00 19 -14 -109 00 00 + 62 18 07 4 48 04 18 -13 -111 00 00 + 62 48 07 4 48 08 17 -12 -113 00 00 + 63 16 59 4 48 12 16 -11 -115 00 00 + 63 44 41 4 48 16 15 -10 -117 00 00 + 64 11 15 4 48 19 14 -10 -119 00 00 + 64 36 41 4 48 22 13 -9 -121 00 00 + 65 01 00 4 48 25 12 -8 -123 00 00 + 65 24 12 4 48 28 11 -7 -125 00 00 + 65 46 18 4 48 30 10 -6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jan Manek Stefanik Observatory Private : Petrin 205 Werichova 950 118 46 Praha 1 152 00 Praha 5 - Barrandov |_|_| Czech Republic Czech Republic / \ Internet : jmanek@mbox.vol.cz |-O-O-| --------------------------------------------------------------------U---U---

    Martin Federspiel's update

                         IOTA/IOTA-ES occultation update for
                   (21) Lutetia/SAO 139322 event on 1999 April 13
                   visible from Morocco, Canary Islands (?), Canada

    On the early morning (UT) of April 13 the 100 km asteroid (21) Lutetia will occult a 7 mag star in Virgo for observers in Morocco, north of the Canary Islands and Canada. The Canary Islands are probably be out of the path, since its uncertainty is relatively small for this event (1 path width). The updated path is very close to Edwin Goffin's nominal prediction.

    The event at one glimpse:
     * date and approx. UT time of event: 1999 Apr 13 @ 4h UTC
     * magnitude of target star: 6.99
     * magnitude drop [mag]: 3.8
     * estimated maximum duration [s]: 8s
     * rough path description: Morocco, north of Canary Islands, Atlantic Ocean,
       Newfoundland, Canada
    The occultation path:
     * approximate widths [km]: 110 km
     * more detailed path description: Morocco, north of Canary Islands,
         Atlantic Ocean, Newfoundland, Canada
     * uncertainty [path widths]: 1.0
     * map: 2 maps attached (global and regional map [Morocco, Canary Islands])
     * remarks: the path will probably not hit the Canary Islands but observation
       is recommended anyway; the path of this update is essentially the same
       as Edwin Goffin's nominal prediction
    Data for the target star:
     * name: SAO 139322 = HIP 65414
     * constellation: Virgo, 7° north of Spica
     * J2000 position [h,m,s; °,',"]: RA 13 24 26.070 DE -4 18 32.22
     * position source: Hipparcos
     * estimated accuracy ["]: 0.01
     * V mag [mag]: 6.99
     * remarks:
    Data for the minor planet:
     * general information:
         mumber, name: (21) Lutetia
         approx. diameter [km]: 100 km
     * orbital information
         orbit source: calculation Federspiel
         source of used astrometry: CAMC, Bordeaux, TMO, USNO
         number of used observations: 160
         number of rejected observations: 4 USNO, several others
         time covered by the observations: 1985 - 1999 March 31
         rms residuals ["] (RA,DE): 0.19",0.16"
         estimated positional accuracy at epoch of event ["]: 0.08"
         remarks: a second orbital solution from the TMO and USNO data only
         yields the same path within 0.02" and 10s in time. The solution
         based on all data possibly shows some systematic residuals (perhaps
         due to unaccounted perturbing bodies beside the major planets and
         Ceres to Vesta)
    Data for the event:
     * UT date and time of least geocentric approach: 1999 4 13 @ 4 43 13 UT
     * least geocentric distance ["]: 4.06"
     * uncertainty in time [s]: 8s
     * approx. V mag of minor planet at event [mag]: 10.8
     * geocentric parallax of minor planet ["]: 5.25"
     * magnitude drop [mag]: 3.8
     * estimated maximum duration [s]: 8s
     * apparent motion of minor planet ["/h]: 37.48"/h
     * angular distance to moon, phase of moon [°,%]: 141°,12%-
     * remarks:
    Calculator(s): Martin Federspiel

    Updated path location for (21) Lutetia on April 12/13, 1999

    Updated path location for (21) Lutetia on April 12/13, 1999 Path coordinates: Lat. Long. hh:mm:ss UT StarAlt° StarAzi° SunAlt° SunAzi° 28.98 8.81 4:37:47. ! 8.4 260.4 -6.0 76.4 29.21 1.51 4:38: 4. ! 14.5 256.6 -12.0 72.6 29.61 -3.58 4:38:21. ! 18.6 253.6 -16.0 69.7 30.09 -7.78 4:38:38. ! 21.8 251.0 -19.1 67.0 30.62 -11.46 4:38:55. ! 24.6 248.5 -21.8 64.6 31.19 -14.81 4:39:13. ! 26.9 246.1 -24.0 62.1 31.79 -17.92 4:39:30. ! 29.0 243.6 -26.0 59.7 32.41 -20.84 4:39:47. ! 30.9 241.1 -27.7 57.3 33.06 -23.62 4:40: 4. ! 32.5 238.6 -29.3 54.8 33.72 -26.30 4:40:21. ! 34.0 236.0 -30.6 52.4 34.41 -28.88 4:40:38. ! 35.3 233.4 -31.8 49.8 35.11 -31.39 4:40:55. ! 36.4 230.7 -32.8 47.3 35.83 -33.85 4:41:13. ! 37.4 228.0 -33.7 44.7 36.57 -36.26 4:41:30. ! 38.3 225.2 -34.5 42.0 37.33 -38.64 4:41:47. ! 39.0 222.3 -35.1 39.3 38.10 -40.99 4:42: 4. ! 39.6 219.4 -35.6 36.6 38.90 -43.33 4:42:21. ! 40.1 216.4 -36.0 33.8 39.71 -45.66 4:42:38. ! 40.4 213.4 -36.2 30.9 40.54 -47.99 4:42:55. ! 40.6 210.3 -36.4 28.1 41.40 -50.33 4:43:13. ! 40.7 207.2 -36.4 25.2 42.27 -52.68 4:43:30. ! 40.7 204.0 -36.3 22.3 43.17 -55.05 4:43:47. ! 40.5 200.8 -36.0 19.3 44.09 -57.46 4:44: 4. ! 40.2 197.6 -35.7 16.3 45.03 -59.91 4:44:21. ! 39.7 194.3 -35.2 13.3 46.00 -62.41 4:44:38. ! 39.1 191.1 -34.6 10.3 47.01 -64.98 4:44:55. ! 38.4 187.8 -33.9 7.2 48.04 -67.63 4:45:13. ! 37.6 184.4 -33.0 4.1 49.11 -70.37 4:45:30. ! 36.6 181.0 -32.0 1.0 50.21 -73.23 4:45:47. ! 35.5 177.6 -30.9 357.7 51.36 -76.23 4:46: 4. ! 34.2 174.1 -29.6 354.4 52.56 -79.41 4:46:21. ! 32.8 170.5 -28.2 351.0 53.82 -82.81 4:46:38. ! 31.1 166.8 -26.6 347.5 55.13 -86.48 4:46:55. ! 29.3 162.9 -24.8 343.7 56.53 -90.52 4:47:13. ! 27.3 158.7 -22.8 339.7 58.02 -95.05 4:47:30. ! 25.0 154.2 -20.5 335.3 59.63 -100.27 4:47:47. ! 22.3 149.1 -17.8 330.3 61.39 -106.55 4:48: 4. ! 19.1 143.1 -14.7 324.4 63.41 -114.67 4:48:21. ! 15.2 135.5 -10.8 316.9 65.89 -127.13 4:48:38. ! 9.6 124.0 -5.1 305.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Martin Federspiel ******** E-mail: martin@astro.unibas.ch Astronomisches Institut ******** oder: federspi@astro.unibas.ch der Universitaet Basel **** oder: federspielm@ubaclu.unibas.ch Venusstr. 7 Telefon: (CH)-61/2055413 CH-4102 Binningen (Schweiz) Fax: (CH)-61/2055455 -------------------------------------------------------------------------

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