Update for (546) Herodias - October 28/29, 2005

  • Update computed by Jan Manek;   issued 24 Oct 2005 00:22 +0200 (CEST)

  • Jan Manek's update

                      IOTA/IOTA-ES occultation update for
      (546) Herodias / UCAC2 44969446 = GSC 2895-02578 on October 28/29, 2005
         visible from Africa, Sicilia, Italy, Austria, W Czechia, E Germany,
                               S Sweden and Norway

    In the night of October 28/29, 2005 a faint 11.3 mag star UCAC2 44969446 = GSC 2895-02578 will be occulted by a 70 km asteroid (546) Herodias. This update is based on USNO/Flagstaff and TMO astrometry for the asteroid and UCAC2 star position.

    The updated path shows ~0.5 path width east shift with time ~0.2 minutes earlier compared to Edwin Goffin's nominal prediction.

    Updated path runs over Africa, Sicilia ~3:44.5 UT, middle Italy ~3:45.5 UT and NE Italy ~3:46.5 UT, middle Austria ~3:46.7 UT, W Czechia ~3:47.3 UT, E Germany ~3:47.8 UT, S Sweden ~3:48.8 UT and S Norway ~3:49.5 UT. Please check the path chart for details.

    Here is current station list for European cities and observatories plus other sites.
    If you would like to have your station listed with other observatories and sites, send me your request using the structure descripted here

    Clear sky and good luck !!!

    The event at one glimpse:
     * date and approx. UT time of event: October 29, 2005 @ 03:47 UT (Europe)
     * magnitude of target star: 11.3
     * magnitude drop [mag]: 2.6
     * estimated maximum duration [s]: 8.5
     * approx. V mag of minor planet at event [mag]: 13.8
     * geocentric parallax of minor planet ["]: 5.314
     * apparent motion of minor planet ["/h]: 24.72
     * angular distance to moon, phase of moon [deg,%]: 90, 15%
     * Goffin's original chart reference: A05_1053
    The occultation path with path maps:
     * approximate ground width [km]: 80
     * uncertainty [path widths]: 2.0
     * uncertainty in time [s]: 10
     * map: Overview
            European part
     * remarks: Path uncertainties [2 sigmas] are given according to nominal star
                position errors and expected asteroid positional accuracy.
    Elements for WinOccult - use 'Save as ...' to download and save these elements.
    Finding charts (prepared in GUIDE8):
     * occulted star is in center - labeled with cross
     * labeled stars have indicated SAO numbers
     * (smaller) square box shows 30' field in all wider field charts
     * (larger) square box shows 3° field in wide field charts
     * remarks:
       Target star is in SW Auriga, about 5.2 degrees NNE of 2.7 mag star iota Aurigae = SAO 57522.
       !!! IMPORTANT !!!
       Purple stars in identification chart are so called 'non-star' objects in GSC; in dense fields
       the 'non-stars' are often real stars or blends of close pairs. Be careful about this.
       40-degree chart
       3-degree chart
       0.5-degree chart
    Data for the target star:
     * name: UCAC2 44969446 = GSC 2895-02578
     * constellation: Auriga
     * J2000 position [h,m,s; o,',"]: 05h 09m 07.2515s; +37d 43' 17.205"
     * position source: UCAC2
     * estimated 1-sigma accuracy ["]: 0.017", 0.023"
     * V mag [mag]: 11.34 (averaged NSVS V-mag)
     * B-V [mag]: +?.??
     * remarks:
    Data for the minor planet:
     * general information:
         number, name: (546) Herodias
         approx. diameter [km]: 70
     * orbital information
         orbit source: calculation Manek
         source of used astrometry: USNO/Flagstaff (Ron Stone), TMO (Bill Owen)
         number of used observations: 134 USNO, 4 TMO
         number of rejected observations: 0
         time covered by the observations: 1998 02 24 - 2005 10 10
         estimated positional 2-sigma accuracy at epoch of event ["]: 0.114", 0.050", 82 deg
     * orbital elements
    	Semimajor axis     =   2.59870156443566
    	Eccentricity       =   0.113574969660823
    	Inclination        =  14.8567628012046 deg
    	Long. of node      =  22.0187589448265 deg
    	Arg. of pericenter = 108.1624983979898 deg
    	Mean anomaly       = 305.3425004963016 deg
    	Epoch of elements  : MJD   53672.16000000 TDT (Oct 29, 2005,  3.840000 h)
    Path coordinates: click here
    Calculator(s): Jan Manek
    Jan Manek
    Werichova 950
    152 00  Praha 5 - Barrandov                                         |_|_|
    Czech Republic                                                      /   \
    Internet : jan.manek AT worldonline.cz                             |-O-O-|

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