Here you can find list of asteroid occultation updates, primarily for European events.
These updates are also available via links from 2007 prediction page
and are listed on the end of line for the particular event.
These links are created automatically by a script, so be sure to use the button of your browser on that page
(and all update pages too) to be sure to use the latest data.
Old updates are moved to archive.
Sometimes probably also updates for other regions may appear here or even updates for events not listed on the prediction page.
All reasonable observations sent to me will be posted on the Asteroidal occultation observations (EURO) page, where you can find also plain or even interactive report forms.
Following list is generated automatically.
Total 2 updatesMain page * Predictions 2013 * Predictions 2014 * Updates * European results * World info *
This page is maintained by Jan Manek, member of
Czech Astronomical Society.
He is member of Occultation and Astrometry Section and
Variable Star Section.
WEB space needed for this page is kindly provided by Czech Astronomical Society.